How to underline a word in word on my android
How to underline a word in word on my android

  1. #How to underline a word in word on my android how to
  2. #How to underline a word in word on my android pdf

I have added additional options in this XML snippet to show that my example works with changing the text color, size, and style. whenever you want to create an underlined textview in XML, you just do the following: SpannableString content = new SpannableString(getText()) ĬtSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, content.length(), 0)

how to underline a word in word on my android

we don't void afterTextChanged(Editable s) Where is the BIU button on iPad Touch the word psychics and you will see a magnifier pop up, and then a bar including the words Select, and Select All. we don't void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) Click the Underline button in the Font tools group or press Ctrl-U on your computer keyboard to underline the letter. Public UnderlineTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)ĪddTextChangedListener(new void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) Public UnderlineTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) Public UnderlineTextView(Context context)

how to underline a word in word on my android

Public class UnderlineTextView extends TextView Slide the word to the trashcan for the word to get removed from your keyboard. You will be able to see a trash can with Remove suggestion written above it. Long press on the word in the text suggestion bar. Then you can just use the subclass in XML whenever you want to have an underlined TextView. The word may get prompted even before you are done typing it. Background Twenty years ago, when I was a Word expert for the now-defunct AllExperts question-and-answer service, I was.

how to underline a word in word on my android

To remove other styles of underlining, press Ctrl+U twice.

#How to underline a word in word on my android pdf

A PDF form will only allow a fixed room for data. To remove single underlining from words and spaces, select the underlined text and press Ctrl+U. I took the answer from Anthony Forloney for underlining text in code and created a subclass of TextView that handles that for you. Important Note: One advantage of a Word form compared to a PDF form is that it is possible to set it up with flexible room for the data to be filled in by the user (table cells with row height set to At least).

#How to underline a word in word on my android how to

I know this is a late answer, but I came up with a solution that works pretty well. How to underline in WhatsApp: We show you how to underline text & how to write bold in WhatsApp.

How to underline a word in word on my android