Simple javascript for html
Simple javascript for html

  1. #Simple javascript for html full#
  2. #Simple javascript for html code#

#Simple javascript for html code#

It was based to some degree on Java - the syntax of the code is very similar - but it is very rarely used for anything outside of a browser.

  • JavaScript, on the other hand, was created by » Netscape.
  • #Simple javascript for html full#

  • » Java, created by » Sun Microsystems, is a full computer programming language like C++, suitable for writing complete, large-scale programs.
  • Understandably, JavaScript's connection with Java is regularly misunderstood. Script compatibility can still be a problem, as the language is not as standardised as HTML but this is being worked on.

    simple javascript for html

    Each new version of the main browsers has supported new generations of JavaScript commands, each more complex than the last. JavaScript is supported by Netscape 2+, Internet Explorer 3+, Opera 3+ and most of the other modern web browsers. It's a little technical, yes but after just a few tutorials you'll have some useful scripts in your pages, and will have the knowledge necessary to modify and use the countless free scripts available across the web. Most importantly, JavaScript isn't overly tough to learn and use. They can also react to events, such as when the user clicks their mouse, or points to a certain page element. This access to information gives JavaScript great power to modify the browsing experience. JavaScripts are integrated into the browsing environment, which means they can get information about the browser and HTML page, and modify this information, thus changing how things are presented on your screen. This distribution of work to the relatively quick client-side service speeds up the process. In fact, JavaScript is often used to perform operations that would otherwise encumber the server, like form input validation. JavaScript operations are usually performed instantaneously. This means that no trips to the server are required for JavaScripts to kick into operation, which would slow down the process enormously. JavaScript is a client-side language, which means all the action occurs on the client's (reader's) side of things. Adding JavaScript to your code allows you to change how the document looks completely, from changing text, to changing colours, to changing the options available in a drop-down list (and much, much more!). Once you load them up your view doesn't change much until you click a link to go to a new page.

    simple javascript for html

    On its own, HTML is capable of outputting more-or-less static pages.

    simple javascript for html

    JavaScript is a simple scripting language invented specifically for use in web browsers to make websites more dynamic.

    Simple javascript for html